Rscope's Copyright Policy outlines the rights related to the publication and distribution of submitted articles. It sets the guidelines for how authors, publishers, funders, and the general public can utilize, publish, and distribute these articles. Our primary goal is to safeguard the unique presentation of the research and its results, ensuring protection for the authors' work and reputation. We take allegations of infringement, plagiarism, ethical disputes, and fraud very seriously.
All journals under Rscope operate in an Open Access mode, with copyright for any open access article retained by the author(s). Authors are recognized as the original publishers and must provide a cover letter declaring their permission for Rscope to publish their articles.
Under our copyright policy, authors can grant any third party the right to use their article freely, provided its integrity is maintained and the original authors, citation details, and publisher are clearly identified. These terms align with The Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.
If an author is unable to hold copyright due to government regulations or other circumstances, they must inform Rscope during or immediately after article submission. Once an article is published, requests for changes to the copyright line cannot be accommodated.